The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They
have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty
innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the
sreda, 30. januar 2013
nedelja, 27. januar 2013
četrtek, 17. januar 2013
I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place
when they can fly anywhere on the earth.
Then I ask myself the same question.
(Harun Yahya)
(Art by Fred Tomaselli)
torek, 15. januar 2013
If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.
(Lao Tzu)
Live in the present
and find eternity in each moment...
torek, 8. januar 2013
poželenje in skušnjava / ekspanzija in osvobajanje
(Queen by Raussoli) |
We have to be careful that in throwing out the devil, we don't throw out the best part in ourselves.
(Wizard by Laura Siadak) .
Človek je ves iz poželenja:
kakršno je poželenje, take so njegove misli;
kakršne so misli, taka so njegova dejanja;
kakršna so dejanja, taka je njegova usoda.
Funkcije človeške
najnižji in hkrati temeljni stopnji je način in sredstvo za biološko
reprodukcijo vrste
največjem obsegu je stvar užitka, duševnega in telesnega spajanja, ki prinaša
radost in opojnost orgazma
najvišji ozaveščeni stopnji je način in sredstvo, ki prebudi
magijsko-ustvarjalne moči
najvišji, zadnji stopnji polno ozaveščene spolnosti, je sredstvo za doseganje
razsvetljenja, mističnega spajanja (doživljanja božanske ekstaze)
V prvih dveh primerih je spolnost (manifestacija spolne energije) predvsem
nagonska, nezavedna, v drugih dveh zavestna, voljna.
Če gledamo na spolnost le kot na biološko reproduktivno funkcijo, pomeni,
da izenačujemo človeka z živaljo – to pa je seveda nesmisel, saj prav pri pojmu
spolnosti pride med človekom in živaljo do
največjih razlik.
Seksualnost je v človeku tisto polje, kjer se živalsko in božje najočitneje
stikata. Ker je človek prehodna, možna, nepopolna tvorba v kozmosu, ki se mora
razviti v boga ali pa se vrniti na raven živali, tudi spolnost niha med
predvsem živalsko (zgolj fizično, razmnoževalsko) in božansko usmerjenostjo
(duhovno, ustvarjalno).
Najskritejši smisel človeške spolnosti ni v reprodukciji vrste, temveč v
doživljanju ekstaze, v rojevanju sebe v
božansko bitje.
Telesna in duhovna Enost pomeni neposredno izkustvo Boga oziroma vstop
(padec) vanj.
(Vili Ravnjak, Spoznavanje višjega jaza)
Through lovingly embracing the full range of our experience- human and
divine- we can heal the split that existed between the spirit and the
form, in ourselves individually and in the whole world.
nedelja, 6. januar 2013
live as u want to
It all starts with a choice
Everything we do in life is a choice, and I think most of us realize
that. But what most people don’t seem to realize is that everything we
don’t do in life is also a choice. Every day we choose to do some things and to not do other things.
Sometimes choosing not to do something is the wisest choice. However, there is a huge difference between choosing not to do something and choosing to do nothing.
Anytime you want to, you can change your life, but just wanting to change is not enough. You must make a choice to change. Doing nothing and wishing things would change is the course most people choose. Consequently, nothing ever changes.
If we don’t like our life the way it is, then we are the ones responsible for making changes.
It all starts with a choice...
You can choose to be happy,
to be grateful,
to do the right things...
You can change your physical, emotional, mental situation...
You can change your physical, emotional, mental situation...
And you can choose the life you really want.
As long as you have the choice, you might as well choose the very best :)
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