nedelja, 31. marec 2013

personal responsibility


Feelings that we are each responsible for:
Happy or unhappy
Fulfilled or unfulfilled
Satisfied or dissatisfied
Encouraged or discouraged
Loved or unloved
Worthy or unworthy
Grateful or ungrateful
Secure or insecure
Do you personally take responsibility 
for these feelings in your life? 
(Art by Michael Cheval)

attached to thoughts...

... Is what you're thinking really true?
 ... Can you absolutely know the thought is true?
... Would it be better to let the thought go? 
... If there is nothing you can do about it, is it worth dwelling on?  
 ... Who would you be without that thought?


petek, 22. marec 2013

petek, 15. marec 2013


The heart of all spiritual teachings is simple.
Be love. Be peace. Be harmony. Be compassion. Be joy.
But it is very difficult to be simple.


četrtek, 14. marec 2013

you are your destiny

Know yourself and you will know your destiny. Because you are your destiny. There are no external forces dominating you. The Gods are in you and your personality is shaping your future. Change yourself and your fate will change as well. Accept yourself, so you will be able to accept your fate.
(Peter Popper)

torek, 12. marec 2013

kdo smo?

Nek človek je našel orlovo jajce in ga dal v gnezdo navadne kokoši. Orlič se je izlegel skupaj s piščanci in tudi odraščal je z njimi. Vse življenje je orel počel tisto, kar so počeli piščanci, in mislil je, da je tudi sam piščanec. Grebel je po zemlji za črvi in žuželkami ter kokodakal. Zamahoval je s perutmi ter poletel nekaj metrov po zraku kakor piščanci. Saj se od piščancev pričakuje, da tako letijo, mar ne?

Leta so minevala in orel se je zelo postaral. Nekega dne je visoko nad seboj, na nebu brez oblaka, zapazil veličastnega ptiča. Z elegantnim dostojanstvom je krožil med močnimi zračnimi tokovi in je komaj kdaj zamahnil s svojimi mogočnimi zlatimi krili.

Stari orel je spoštljivo zrl v nebo. "Kdo je to?" je vprašal soseda. "To je orel, kralj ptičev," je odgovoril sosed. "Toda ne misli več nanj. Midva sva drugačna kot on."
In stari orel res ni nikoli več pomislil nanj. Umrl je v prepričanju, da je navaden piščanec.

(Anthony de Mello: Ptičja pesem )

yoga teacher :)))

Mastery of yoga 
is really measured by how it influences our day-to-day living, 
how it enhances our relationships, 
how it promotes clarity and peace of mind. 
(T.K.V. Desikachar) 

sobota, 9. marec 2013

chill out

I feel certain that the change brought by my practice also changes the world. I don’t see how it can be otherwise. Everything is interconnected in the fabric of oneness. Awakening affects the entire world. 
(Richard Miller)

sreda, 6. marec 2013


Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. 
They are in each other all along. 

(paintings by Tomasz Alen Kopera)