sreda, 30. maj 2012


“The mind acts like an enemy for those who do not control it.” 
(Bhagavad-Gita ) 

Remember, when there is no enemy within, 
the enemies outside cannot hurt you.

sobota, 26. maj 2012


A person can grow only as much as his horizon allows.  
(John Powell)

Only as high as I reach can I grow,
Only as far as I seek can I go,
Only as deep as I look can I see,
Only as much as I dream can I be.
(Karen Ravn)

What a man thinks of himself, that it is what determines, 
or rather indicates his fate.    
(Henry David Thoreau)

četrtek, 24. maj 2012

z duhovnostjo se ne moreš UKVARJATI...

... lahko jo samo ŽIVIŠ.

(Offerings by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Sleherna duša je potencialno božanska. 
Naš smoter je razodeti božansko, ki je v nas, 
obvladujoč notranjo naravo. 
To lahko skušamo doseči z obvladovanjem duha, 
 delom, čaščenjem 
ali po poti filozofije. 
To je vsa religija. 
Obredi, svetišča, dogme so le drugotne podrobnosti.
Nauki in svete knjige nam lahko le približno
nakažejo pot, ki vodi do religioznih izkustev.
Po njej pa moramo hoditi sami.

Life can be a spiritual path.  
When you see every moment as an opportunity 
to experience spiritual joy, you are on the right path.

 Govoriti o religiji bi namreč bilo malo vredno, če je nisi živel.

Close your eyes
And bow your head
To rest your soul
And to praise the dead

Say Hallelujah

Throw up your hands
The bucket is kicked
The body is gone

Dry your eyes

And stand upright
Put a smile on your face
He wouldn't want us to cry

The sun will rise

The stars will shine
Turning day to dusk
And night to dawn
We'll pass on
But until that time

Say Hallelujah

Say Hallelujah

Say Hallelujah

Throw up your hands
The bucket is kicked
The body is gone

Have mercy

It's a wonderful life
Eternal rest for the weary
Mourners party tonight

Say Hallelujah

Throw up your hands
The bucket is kicked
The body is gone

Wave your hands

But don't say goodbye
We're all gonna meet you
On the other side

(All souls night by Laura Siadak)

sreda, 23. maj 2012

what if...

What if our religion was each other
If our patience was our life
If our prayers were our words,
What if the temple was the Earth
If the forests our church
If holy water - the rivers, lakes and ocean,
What if meditation was our relationships
If the teacher was life
If wisdom was self-knowledge,
If love was the center of our being

  (Ganga White)

torek, 22. maj 2012

Save Today. Survive Tomorrow.

Dva planeta krožita po vesolju. Vsakih 23 milijonov let se srečata in se veselo pozdravita ter zadovoljno krožita naprej. Ko se nekoč spet srečata, je prvi planet videti ves izmučen in bolan. 
"Kaj pa je s teboj? Nekam slab si videti !" ga zaskrbljeno vpraša drugi.
"Kako ne bi bil," mu prvi čemerno odvrne, "ko pa sem staknil homo sapiensa !"
"Ne ženi si k srcu," ga skuša potolažiti drugi, "to hitro mine !"

No one will blame you for global warming except your children.

ponedeljek, 21. maj 2012

the paradox

Če bi si svet lahko predstavljali kot vas s 100 prebivalci, bi lahko ugotovili, da jih 80 živi v neprimernih bivališčih, 50 jih je podhranjenjih, 17 jih trpi zaradi pomanjkanja pitne vode, 19 jih živi z manj kot 30 evri na mesec, šest jih razpolaga s 60% vsega premoženja in le ena oseba ima univerzitetno izobrazbo. 

...We've learned how to make a living, but not a life,
we've multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values,
we've conquered outer space, but not inner space,
we've done larger things, but not better things.

nedelja, 20. maj 2012

Symptoms of Inner Peace

  • A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experiences
  • An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment
  • A loss of interest in judging other people
  • A loss of interest in judging self
  • A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others
  • A loss of interest in conflict
  • A loss of the ability to worry (This is a very serious symptom.)
  • Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation
  • Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature
  • Frequent attacks of smiling
  • An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen
  • An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it 
(Saskia Davis)


sobota, 19. maj 2012

The festival of colours

Holi (also known as Dhuli in Sanskrit) is a religious spring festival celebrated by Hindus. It is primarily observed in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and countries with large Indic diaspora populations, such as Suriname, Malaysia, Guyana, South Africa, Fiji, United Kingdom and the US. Holi is celebrated at the end of the winter season on the last full moon day of the lunar month Phalguna (February/March).

Every year, thousands of Hindus participate in the festival Holi. The festival has many purposes. First and foremost, it welcomes the beginning of spring and celebrates the new energy of the season. With honouring good harvests and worshiping the fertile land they say farewell to winter. It also has a religious purpose, commemorating many events that are present in Hindu mythology.
One of Holi’s biggest customs is the loosening strictness of social structures, which normally include age, sex, status and caste. Holi closes the wide gaps between social classes and brings Hindus together. Together, the rich and poor, women and men, enjoy each other’s presence on this joyous day. Additionally, Holi lowers the strictness of social norms. No one expects polite behavior; as a result, the atmosphere is filled with excitement and joy.

The Holi legend

Holika was a female demon, and the sister of Hiranyakashyap, the demon king. Hiranyakashyap considered himself ruler of the Universe, and higher than all the gods.
Prahalad was the king's son. His father hated him because Prahalad was a faithful devotee of the god Vishnu.
One day the king asked him "Who is the greatest, God or I?"
"God is," said the son, "you are only a king."
The king was furious and decided to murder his son.
But the king's attempts at murder didn't work too well. Prahalad survived being thrown over a cliff, being trampled by elephants, bitten by snakes, and attacked by soldiers.
So the king asked his sister, Holika, to kill the boy.
Holika seized Prahalad and sat in the middle of a fire with the boy on her lap.
Holika had been given a magic power by the gods that made her immune to fire, so she thought this was a pretty good plan, and Prahalad would burn to death while she remained cool.
But it's never wise to take gods' gifts for granted! Because Holika was using her gift to do something evil, her power vanished and she was burned to ashes. Prahalad stayed true to his God, Vishnu, and sat praying in the lap of his demon aunt. Vishnu protected him, and Prahalad survived.
Shortly afterwards, Vishnu killed King Hiranyakashyap and Prahad ruled as a wise king in his father's place.

परमात्म रंग में रंगना या परमात्म के संघ में रंगना
(to be coloured in the colours of the Supreme)

torek, 15. maj 2012

hišica iz kart

Dvom in strah pred neuspehom sta edini oviri, ki nas oddaljujeta od uspeha. 
Naši neskončni potenciali ostajajo neizkoriščeni ker ne upamo narediti prvega koraka k spremembi in resnično zgrabiti vseh priložnosti, ki nam jih ponuja življenje. Ni čudno, da stvari ostajajo enake, da se vedno znova ponavljajo ene in iste situacije, da se vrtimo v začaranem krogu. Do you feel like youve lived this day a hundred times before? Čeprav je ena izmed najtežjih stvari opustiti stare vzorce in s tem spremeniti svoje življenje, je to edina rešitev, ki nas lahko osvobodi kamnitih okov strahu in negotovosti.

Strah pred neuspehom je namreč posledica negotovosti. Ta nas vleče vse globlje v statično pasivnost, dokler ne začnemo resnično verjeti, da nismo sposobni spremeniti toka dogodkov. Doživljamo poraz za porazom, čeprav naše življenje navzven izgleda presentljivo dobro. Najhujši so ti majhni, (skoraj neopazni) osebni neuspehi, ki nam rušijo tla pod nogami. In vse se zruši kot hišica iz kart. 
Zaradi negotovosti. 
Zaradi nezaupanja v lastne zmogljivosti.
Zaradi neutemeljenega strahu pred neuspehom.

 Resnica pa je, da lahko narediš karkoli želiš. V tem trenutku lahko postaneš kdorkoli si želiš biti in spremeniš katerikoli aspekt svojega življenja. Ponuja se ti neskončen ocean različnih možnosti, od tebe pa je odvisno, ali se boš omejil s strahom ali pa zgrabil vse priložnosti, ki so ti dane. Vesolje namreč ne pozna omejitev. Zakaj bi jih mi?
You can be/do/have
anything you want.

The key to change... is to let go of fear. 
(Rosanne Cash)

petek, 4. maj 2012

beautiful rainy day:)

Do you know that there are blessings in every raindrop? :)

Who needs then sun when the rain is full of life?

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby. 
(Langston Hughes)

"love" vs. Love


They say "Love hurts", but that’s not true…
  Rejection hurts. Deception hurts. Infidelity hurts. Dishonesty hurts. Losing someone hurts. Loneliness hurts.
Everyone confuses these with love, but in reality
LOVE is the only thing in this world that covers up al the pain.

četrtek, 3. maj 2012

bhaava (feeling of love)

Sanskrit has ninety-six words for love; ancient Persian has eighty, Greek three, and English only one.  This is indicative of the poverty of awareness or emphasis that we give to that tremendously important realm of feeling. Eskimos have thirty words for snow, because it is a life-and death matter to them to have exact information about the element they live with so intimately.  If we had a vocabulary of thirty words for love ... we would immediately be richer and more intelligent in this human element so close to our heart.  An Eskimo probably would die of clumsiness if he had only one word for snow; we are close to dying of loneliness because we have only one word for love.  Of all the Western languages, English may be the most lacking when it come to feeling.”
(Robert Johnson

1 aṅgaja (love) 2 anaṅga (love) 3 anaṅgalekhā (love) 4 anurakti (love) 5 anurañjana (love) 6 anurāga (love) 7 anurāgavat (love) 8 anurāgin (love) 9 anuragitā (love) 10 anurati (love) 11 anurudh (love) 12 apahnava (love) 13 apāṅga (love) 14 abhikam (love) 15 abhimatatā (love) 16 abhihary (love) 17 ayugmasara (love) 18 avasāda (love) 19 avaskanna (love) 20 avyāpyavṛtti (love) 21 aspanda (love) 22 ākā (love) 23 āsaktabhāva (love) 24 irāja (love) 25 ī (love) 26 īśvara (love) 27 ujjvala (love) 28 utkaṇṭhita (love) 29 utkvath (love) 30 unmadana (love) 31 kaṃjasū (love) 32 kañjana (love) 33 kaṭākṣaviśikha (love) 34 kantu (love) 35 kandarpa (love) 36 kandarpakūpa (love) 37 kam (love) 38 kamra (love) 39 karva (love) 40 (love) 41 kānti (love) 42 kāma (love) 43 kāmena (love) 44 kāmāya (love) 45 kāme (love) 46 kāmakeli (love) 47 kāmataru (love) 48 kāmatāla (love) 49 kāmadaminī (love) 50 kāmadahana (love) 51 kāmadeva (love) 52 kāmadevatva (love) 53 kāmadevamaya (love) 54 kāmadhvaṃsin (love) 55 kāmabaddha (love) 56 kāmabāṇa (love) 57 kāmamañjarī (love) 58 kāmamardana (love) 59 kāmamaha (love) 60 kāmamūta (love) 61 kāmamohita (love) 62 kāmarasa (love) 63 kāmavat (love) 64 kāmavallabha (love) 65 kāmavaśa (love) 66 kāmavaśya (love) 67 kāmaviddha (love) 68 kāmaśara (love) 69 kāmaśalya (love) 70 kāmaśāstra (love) 71 kāmasūtra (love) 72 kāmāgni (love) 73 kāmāgnisaṃdīpana (love) 74 kāmāṅkuśa (love) 75 kāmātura (love) 76 kāmādhiṣṭhita (love) 77 kāmānala (love) 78 kāmāndha (love) 79 kāmāyudha (love) 80 kāmāri (love) 81 kāmārta (love) 82 kāmārthin (love) 83 kāmāśrama (love) 84 kāmāsakta (love) 85 kāmāsakti (love) 86 kāmonmatta (love) 87 kāmopahatacittāṅga (love) 88 kāmayā (love) 89 kāmitā (love) 90 kāmitva (love) 91 kāmin (love) 92 kāmuka (love) 93 kārṣṇi (love) 94 kiṅkira (love) 95 kiṅkirāta (love) 96 kunta (love) 97 kusumakārmuka (love) 98 kusumabāṇa (love) 99 kusumamārgaṇa (love) 100 kusumāyudha (love)

sreda, 2. maj 2012

we are all stardust

Matter is frozen light and for every molecule of light that is matter there are a billion particles of light that are not matter. This means matter is rare and special - we are light. 

 Sixty percent of the matter of our bodies is made up of hydrogen atoms, which were present in the first years of the fireball, 13 billion years ago.

The remaining 40 percent of our bodies is made up of atoms forged in the stars about 5.5 billion years ago.

This means we’re all made from the same material no matter who we are – all part of the star dust of the galaxies.